Terms & Conditions

Welcome to menus300!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of menus300 Website, located at menus300.com.

menus300 is a project powered by Gronweb, a legal entity based in Cyprus.

By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use menus300 if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and all Agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person use or log-in on this website and compliant to the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to menus300. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves.


menus300 contains information and content that is generated by other companies who may or may not pay a fee to host this information on our website. Although we employ various checks on this material, we shall not be hold responsible for the quality of the content that appears on menus300 and is generated by others. By using menus300, you understand and accept that this information is generated by other companies and legal entities and you should contact them in case you find any issues with the accuracy or the quality of the services and products listed in this content. Gronweb is only responsible for delivering the digital content to user’s devices, and not for the products or services listed.

To the extent permitted by applicable laws, Gronweb shall not be liable for the quality of services and products for any liability, damages or expenses caused and/or suffered as a result of any use of these services and products listed on this website.


We employ the use of cookies. By accessing menus300, you agreed to use cookies in agreement with the menus300 Cookies & Privacy Policy.

Most interactive websites use cookies to let us retrieve the user’s details for each visit. Cookies are used by our website to enable the functionality of certain areas to make it easier for people visiting our website. Some of our affiliate/advertising partners may also use cookies.


Unless otherwise stated, Gronweb and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on menus300. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from menus300 for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
You must not:

  • Republish material from menus300
  • Sell, rent or sub-license material from menus300
  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from menus300
  • Redistribute content from menus300

Hyperlinking to our Content

Any organization may link to our home page, to publications or to other Website information as long as the link: (a) is not in any way deceptive; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval of the linking party and its products and/or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party’s site.

We shall not be hold responsible for any content that appears on your Website. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that is rising on your Website. No link(s) should appear on any Website that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights.

We reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Website. You approve to immediately remove all links to our Website upon request. We also reserve the right to amen these terms and conditions and it’s linking policy at any time. By continuously linking to our Website, you agree to be bound to and follow these linking terms and conditions.

Your Privacy

Please read Cookies & Privacy Policy

Removal of links from our website

If you find any link on our Website that is offensive for any reason, you are free to contact and inform us any moment. We will consider requests to remove links but we are not obligated to or so or to respond to you directly.

We do not ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we promise to ensure that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website.

We may revise and update these Terms of Use at any time without notice. Any aspect of the Web Site may be changed, supplemented, deleted or updated without notice.

Last Update: 22/03/2022